Physiologic Alert
Billing Alert
Difficult Airway
On Bypass
ASA Status

Click on the rectangles above to see the patient views for each active case.

AlertWatch is a live integrated display and alert system for patients in operating rooms. The goal of the system is to improve patient safety and quality, improve billing accuracy, and to improve the workflow of providers working in this environment.

The program retrieves and integrates data from physiologic monitors, the patient's history and physical, the anesthesia information system, and the laboratory system. The system runs a series of calculations on this data, and displays personalized alerts when potential patient issues are identified.

This is a demonstration version – actual patient information is not displayed, and some features are disabled.

The color of the rectangle indicates the status of the case. The horizontal bar and time provide information on the case duration compared to estimates. The icons along the bottom represent potential safety or quality issues, billing problems, and critical risk factors.